Is Your Digital Security at Risk? Probably…

Like anyone who hasn’t been in a Rip Van Winkle-like haze for the last decade (at least), I’m concerned about data security in the digital age, both for myself and my clients. So, this news item caught my eye and I wanted to share it.

According to a Jan. 3, 2018, report from the global news agency Reuters, “security researchers (have identified) a set of security flaws that they said could let hackers steal sensitive information from nearly every modern computing device containing chips from Intel Corp, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., and ARM Holdings.” That means not just desktop computers and laptops, but also smartphones, tablets and Internet servers.

Beware of ‘Meltdown’ and ‘Spectre’

According to the report, researchers from several countries collaborating in the investigation found two flaws, called “Meltdown” and “Spectre,” which can allow hackers to gain access to passwords and other sensitive information.

Apple and Microsoft are said to have patches ready for computer users who encounter Meltdown, which one of its discoverers told Reuters is “probably one of the worst CPU bugs ever found.”

You can read the entire Reuters story by clicking here.

Meanwhile, we are left to wonder how to guard against such things and how to function in our personal and business lives without being totally overcome by paranoia.

As always the watch phrases are “due diligence” and “vigilant observation.”

Be assured that we at Investment Resource of AZ, LLC, will continue to keep a close eye on issues, and we take every precaution we can to make sure our systems are secure.

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